Are You Ready to Overcome Your Healthcare Integration Engine’s Limitations?

The Fethr Health Platform can do the impossible where others fall short.  Best of all, you are in the driver's seat.  

The Root of Your Problem

"The events that happen in real time are not the events that the system wants." Yitzhak Magoon, CEO Fethr Health

How Fethr Health Transforms Healthcare

Imagine if every time you needed to send an email, you had to fill out a vendor  ticket with all the details—recipient, subject, message content—and then wait days for approval. When you finally receive a response, you're told that the email can't be sent because the system doesn’t support the specific font or emoji you chose. That’s the kind of slow and frustrating experience health techs, hospitals and doctor's clinics face when using traditional interface engines to set up workflows.

Fethr Health Platform is...


When you're in control of creating your own workflows, you can test and refine them on the spot, without needing extra resources. You can get things done immediately!

Quicker to Revenue

Many health tech companies get bogged down in the integration process. Fethr Health cuts your implementation time by up to 50%, allowing you to launch pilots faster and scale more quickly—ultimately putting more money in the bank.


Empower your business analysts to take charge of creating and testing workflows, reducing the dependence on costly developers for custom work that your current interface engine can't handle.

Cost Savings

By automating manual processes that once seemed impossible to streamline with your current integration engine, you can achieve more with fewer resources, resulting in significant cost savings and improved health outcomes.

Better Healthcare Outcomes

Automating your workflows and processes leads to better health outcomes, including happier patients, fewer errors, and increased revenue.

Saves Doctor Hours

Should your doctors waste time deciphering unreadable faxes or manually duplicating information across systems? Streamline and automate these tasks so your doctors can focus more on patient care.

Waht is the fethr health platform

What Makes Fethr Better

The Game-Changing Data Repository

Traditional integration engines struggle when events happen out of order or data arrives at the wrong time. Our Data Repository addresses these challenges, ensuring seamless integration and enabling you to accomplish the impossible - without throwing a programmer at it.

DAta Respository

You're in Control

Do you like relying on a vendor's ticketing system to submit flowcharts and business requirements to only to be completed on someone else's timeline?  You can do it all yourself with the Fethr platform. Get real-time feedback on your workflows, make quick adjustments, and ensure patient safety with built-in safeguards.

Drag and drop builder

We Do the Hard Part

Let’s face it—there are countless hospital systems, local doctor’s offices, and health techs with no standardized connection capabilities. With Fethr, you no longer need a dedicated team of programmers to create and maintain these connections. You also won’t have to pay a vendor $10,000 per connection per year and then wait months for them to finish. The Fethr team, experienced in building and maintaining these connections, handles it all as part of your package.

unlimited connections

Translate, Store, and Compute

Are you dealing with three systems that report a patient's gender in different formats (Male, M, Man)? With our tools, you can quickly build translation tables to standardize the data, updating them in seconds when new values arise. Need to convert pounds to kilograms across your systems? It’s all possible with just a few clicks and a save.

on the fly tables

No need to set up a big, expensive project to get started

The thought of replacing your vendor’s legacy integration engine or your in-house efforts to connect all these systems can be overwhelming. With Fethr Health, you don’t have to. We are flexible and cost-effective enough to work alongside your existing systems—we can even integrate with your current integration engine.

Can sit alongside your existing systems

see what others have to say

It's about time...

...we can move full speed ahead...

We see a lot more potential in Fethr Health compared to other integration engines.  Too often we have to hit pause on a good idea because we don't have the systems to carry out that idea.  Because of the Fethr platform we can move full speed ahead with our ideas.

Sreekant Gotti Headshot
Sreekant Gotti
CIO, Antelope Valley Medical Center

...a game changer.

Fethr Health is a game changer.  They are helping us integrate one of the nations largest health systems and extend our product beyond what we thought possible.  

Dan Kussman
CEO, Impact Health
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If, for any reason, we cannot deliver on our promises we will give you a full refund. 

Hi, I'm Yitzhak


I’ve done a lot of consulting. My clients will inevitability ask me if their systems can do – what seems like some simple task. Too often, I have to respond, “It can be done, but not with the systems you have in place.”  That is why I built Fethr Health.


How much does it cost?

We keep pricing simple and as transparent.  Our prices are often a fraction of those expensive legacy systems.  We also try to match our pricing to how your business runs to keep things simpler for you.  

Below, is a common approach that we use.  

  • We typically have an implementation fee that is based on the amount of work needed to get you set up.  This fee starts at $1,000 and goes up from there based on the complexity of your connections.  
  • Then we charge a per transaction fee that starts at $0.03 per transaction (every time data comes into and out of our system).  Your cost per transaction will go down as the number of transactions go up.  
  • Lastly, we may charge a support fee depending on your needs.  You will automatically receive a set of support hours each month and will only be charged if you exceed that - most people don't.   

Learn more by signing up for a demo today.  

Can we install the software on site?

Yes, we offer both a SaaS cloud based model and an on-premise model.  

Are you HIPAA compliant?

Of course!  Our engineering and compliance teams are well versed in HIPAA regulations and Information Security Best Practices and we are nearing SOC II and HITRUST certification.  .  

How do I get started?

Our recommendation is to click here to schedule a call with us so we can better understand your business, give you a demo of the system, and provide you with pricing that will fit your needs and budget.  

Are you Ready to Overcome Your Healthcare Integration Engine’s Limitations?

Schedule a call now to get a demo of the Fethr platform and get customized pricing.